Refund Policy

We are so confident that you will love our service that we offer a full 7 day money back guarantee for new customers. If you are not happy with our service simply submit a refund request to our support team within the first 7 days of your service and we will issue a full refund.

To receive the refund simply submit a ticket in our client area with the title “Refund” along with your:

  • Full Name
  • Payment Method (CC or Paypal)
  • 2checkout invoice number

All refunds will be processed within 24 hours of the request but can take up to 14 days to show for you. This is due to the time 2checkout needs to handle the refunds and sadly not up to us.

Please be aware that after the refund has been given all your data stored on our servers will be permanently deleted. As such you are required to make your own backups prior to requesting the refund if needed.

The above does not apply to dedicated IPs. There is no refund for dedicated IPs once the invoice is paid and we have started working your order.

Further, no refund will be given to anyone infrining our Terms and Conditions or after the 7 day money back guarantee is over.

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